What is Your Definition of Success?

Sometimes we push ourselves to achieve someone else’s definition of success. Because we have achieved what someone else expected of us, we often think we are in fact successful – at least for a little while. We may even continue to push ourselves more – to achieve continued and increased thoughts of success.

In cases where our personal definition of success doesn’t match that which we have achieved, our bodies may ‘act out’ …. set limitations on our ability to continue to push ourself, until it gets our attention. We may experience illness, chronic pain, depression. Our thoughts and minds may tell us to push through it, while our bodies scream for a break.

If this resonates with you, I urge you to consider taking that break – to think about what your definition of success is. What is your dream, your goal? What do you want your legacy on the world to be? It may take a while to figure it out, and that’s ok. Books, coaches (blatant plug for me here :)), blogs, videos – are all at the ready to assist. Know that no matter what your age, or your situation, you can shift your life, to be what you want. Once you do, your body will thank you. I’m not saying all discomfort will disappear, but I do believe it will be much more comfortable, and less painful, to live in your body. I speak from my personal experience.

It costs nothing to consider the potential impact following someone else’s definition of success has on you. The payout is huge and extremely lliberating if you determine their definition of success is not your definition of success.

ttyl ~ debbie

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