Don’t Give Anyone the Power to Dull Your Sparkle!


It’s easy to take on the negativity or negative emotions that you experience when working with others in your day to day activities.  I encourage you fight the urge to do so. Negativity breeds negativity; similarly being positive and ‘up beat’ increases positivity.  I try to be a positive, optimistic person, but sometimes when interacting with others, I allow myself to spiral into a funk that results in negative feelings towards myself coupled with self-doubt.  The result?  The dulling of my sparkle.  It’s important to note here that it is my perception of my interaction with others that results in my reduced sparkle.  Do I really know what that other person was thinking?  Do I truly know their motive or opinions?  No. Even if I talk to them about the situation, will I believe them?  Maybe not.  My ability to believe them would be dependent upon the level of trust we have in each other.  II don’t think we give the people that we trust explicitly the power to dull our sparkle.  There’s no need to give them this power,  because we just ‘know’ they wouldn’t do anything purposely to hurt us.  So if we don’t give such power to those we love and those who love us….. why would we give it to anyone?
Things happen for a reason.  When faced with a potentially sparkle dulling situation, take some time to consider why this might be occurring in your life at this exact moment and time.  Perhaps it’s just time for you to grow a bit, to take a step closer to that space of owning your destiny.  It’s amazing how making the choice to let your sparkle shine can brighten not only your day, but others as well!
ttys ~ debbie
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3 thoughts on “Don’t Give Anyone the Power to Dull Your Sparkle!

  1. i really like the message here. Sometimes at work people are very negative and ican see how it can rub off on you. I never want to take that home with me…… Thanks deb

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