Trauma, Stressors and Illness

There is a connection between the stressor in our lives… things we may not even realize have upset us, recently or in the past, to our health. Our bodies react to what we are thinking, what we are feeling. Our bodies have limits too on how far we can push them. Pain and illness is our bodies way of getting our attention. It’s like our body is saying ‘Hello!!!!! Are you listening to me yet?’ The discomfort/pain typically increases until we do hear it.

Our next step is often to go to the doctor. To find the medical reason for our pain and discomfort. In many cases, it can take years before a viable diagnosis is made. Once the diagnosis is made, medication, which often cause side effects, are then prescribed. For me, some of the medication helped, and others exasperated my issues.

I suggest, in conjunction to going to the doctor – explore past and current traumas and stressors. Research or work with someone (a life coach perhaps smile emoticon or counselor – to help unblock the stress from the trauma. This entails identifying, talking about/working through the emotions related to the situation. Once the stress is unblocked, it is able to move through our bodies; to exit. We are free to learn from the situation, and move on to unblock the next trauma, and to live with a little more comfort.

The changes don’t always happen overnight. Depending on our life experiences, it may take awhile to work through them all. As we learn from our experiences, we gain increased comfort in living in our own bodies, living our lives. Confidence in ourselves, desire to be who we are! It’s a process, a journey – but one work taking!

One book to check out for background information is ‘The Language of Emotion’ by Karla McLaren

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