Why Living With Resolve?

RESOLVE (verb) to come to a definite or earnest decision about; determine (to do something):
  • ‘I resolve to make the world a better place’.
  • ‘I resolve to take care of myself’.
  • ‘I resolve to strive for balance in my life; balance between work, play and rest’.
….Because I have lived through many setbacks, challenges, disappointments and painful experiences in my 50+ years on this earth. My natural tendency it to lean towards the optimistic and positive, but I have endured several phases throughout my life where I allowed myself to wallow in the pain, grief and depressing thoughts related to any given situation. Over the course of our journey together, via this website and blog, and via my Facebook Page  ‘Debbie Lancione: Living With Resolve’ – I will share with you the details of my experiences.
Why?  Because by sharing my journey, you’ll get to know me, and you’ll see that, even though my journey is not the same as yours, it was painful to me, in its own way.  Similarly, your journey is not like mine, but I have no doubt it has been painful to you on occasion as well.
My goal is not to wallow with you in our grief and pain, but to give you hope!  To let you know that it’s OK to be exactly where you are at any given moment.  It doesn’t mean you will always be sad, depressed, in pain, hateful, or tired ~ it just means that’s exactly where you are right now.
One day, in my late 30’s or early 40’s – I’m not quite sure…. one day – while sitting in my car, in my garage, after driving home from work, and of course before going into my house, I made my first real resolution.  I resolved that I was going to make the best of the life that God has given me.  I would stop living with regret, I would try to stop feeling hatred and anger towards people that did not do what I thought they should be doing for me.  I acknowledged that I could make decisions and that once I made a decision, I had to ‘be ok’ with that decision, or make a new one.  I would get back to being the person I used to be, and I would send love into the universe instead of the dark cloud of negative energy that I had been projecting for the past 15 years.
I stopped feeling sorry for myself, and started to take my destiny into my own hands.  And you know what?  It worked.  It has been a long, and sometimes slow journey, but as I sit here today looking back on my life, I see the progress and I see that I have become a positive energy in our great big universe instead of a negative energy.  I also see that I can make or break my own future.  I choose to make it.  I KNOW I will make it.
I’ve had emotional, physical, and spiritual setbacks along the way.  I’ve required others approval and positive feedback to feel good about myself.  I did not know how to feel happy unless someone else was giving me what I needed to give myself my self-worth.  I stand before you today a changed woman.  I KNOW my value, I KNOW my worth and I’m here to help you personally know and find yours too.
I want to share my stories, so you know you are not alone. I want you to know it really is OK to fall because you will get back up.  Most of all, I want you to keep hoping and keep trying.  Keep working towards your goal.  If you don’t know what your goals are, I’m happy to work together with you to figure them out!
I lost myself for quite a while.  I became a mother, I became an employee, I became a caregiver and a wife.  In doing all of these things, I knew what I needed to do to help others, but I forgot what I needed to do to help myself.  I’ve since learned if I help myself, nurture what is true to me, I am then amazingly ‘freed’ and able to better help others.
It may take a while, but I’m here to tell you, I am an example, that it CAN be done!
So today, I resolve, to help you help yourself.  To help you find yourself, embrace yourself and love yourself.
What do you resolve today?  Please, let me know.

2 thoughts on “Why Living With Resolve?

  1. Way to go, Debbie. The getting started writing is the hardest part and you are on your way. You have thoughtfully and honestly shared yourself with us and I applaud your courage. I look forward to more

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