It’s OK to say ‘No’


It’s OK to say ‘No’…

Especially in today’s crazy, fast paced world. When your asked to do something, invited to a party, requested to assist… it’s really OK to say ‘No,’ just because you don’t want to do it. It’s also OK to say ‘No,’ without providing an explanation. It’s may be difficult to do, I know it has been tough for me to do, but it gets easier. Are you wondering what justifies politely declining an invitation to visit, party, or help? Here’s a few that have resulted in me declining to participate when asked:

1) Insufficient Notice. I typically have things planned out several weeks in advance, including if I’m ‘just’ going to work on the house. I work full time, and put in a lot of effort to earn the paycheck that enables me to live in and pay for my house. I like keeping it an enjoyable place for me to be, AND I like spending quality time in my house; meaning, I’d like to do more than just sleep in it.

2) Planning my paint palette for the 1st floor of the house. I think the picture says it all here.

3) Spending time with my husband. Gregg enjoys being home ALL THE TIME :). I like being with Gregg, so when he really wants to spend time at home, without all that ‘running around’, I like to accommodate his request. At least on occasion, like when it’s his birthday, or Fathers Day, or the occasional weekend.

4) I’m tired. I’ve spent the past couple of years learning how to listen to my body. Something I did not know how to do until around September of 2014. I now listen to my body. I realize when I am tired, hungry, stressed, bored, angry, afraid, excited…. the list goes on. By listening to my body, I adjust my plans, even if it’s at the spur of the moment, to accommodate how I am feeling.

The above helps ensure I don’t push myself to the point of burn out. It actually makes me more readily available to help others, to be there for others, to accept invitations and to make plans because I really feel good and I want to do so, not because I feel like I have to do so. I love my friends and family and when I say no to the constant busy, I am much better at the occasional busy.

If it feels right to you to pass on an invitation, then do it! It’s OK to say ‘No’ 🙂

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